Thursday, 4 November 2010

Jay Walker's library of human imagination | Video on

Jay Walker's library of human imagination | Video on
Now this looks more like it Snr Borges. The clutter and confusion of imagination. Not too much regularity here, just shear wonderment.

Wednesday, 3 November 2010

No title, I just like the message.

Playing with language

My tongue in cheek look at how the "fight them on the beaches" speech may have been written in 2010, with the additions felt necessary by the likes of my 14 year old son and his peers.
Basically, it still works like, but maybe does not have the same gravitas.

Perception and Meaning

Following on from my previous musing on how we form a picture, I began thinking about how we create meaning from the things we see around us. Can we take what is there and distort or manipulate it to change its meaning? Is our perception of the things we see based just on what is in front of us…and how does what we already know affect our thought process? Just as situations can be misinterpreted or misread, people can view the same thing and see something totally different. Hayley Branston
