Take a look at this talk. I like the way he looks at things and starts the thought process, wow. He pushes an idea to its limits, sometimes accepted, sometimes rejected, but that is the way it goes. I always say, the client does not always know best, or even what they want, if you are prepared to be simply a stylist, then accept what they say, if not, then push them and yourself to the limit.
Ross Lovegrove shares organic designs | Video on TED.com
Starting during the opening week of the Venice Biennale of Architecture, and arriving in Verona for the 25th anniversary of the International Design Trade Show "Abitare il Tempo", the sustainable design and its protagonists will meet and present themselves through exhibits, conferences, events and cultural interaction.
The Sustainable Design Week is a cultural and communication project, promoted by Amplificatore Culturale and Brandit, whose main objective is to promote and disseminate sustainable design.
A macro-event comprising of a series of initiatives that involve and educate consumers and professionals in sustainable design