Thursday, 24 February 2011

Idea Generation

Just came across this. for those of you who had to endure my lecture on idea generation last year, maybe it would have been a good idea for me to publish it!

Are Graphic Designers liars?

Sorry, have been away for a while. Heads down on MA stuff.  
I have been looking over some older work of mine and some recent students work and asked myself the question "are designers liars?" After all, we do what the client wants, and they simply want to make money, we will put whatever they want on the final outcome without paying much attention just as long as it looks good.
Do we not have a social responsibility? Therefore I would be interested in trying to find out what others think of this statement.
It would be interesting to gather examples of really misleading graphic design, and also good examples of honest design. Therefore, if anyone out there has any good images they want to share, pleased forward them on with your opinions.